July 2015 (10 years ago)
Thirsting for danger and lusting for loot? Grab your friends, hone your blades, and set off for adventure in this free-to-play action MMO. The Sun Goddess has shattered the world into infinite realms. Now they're yours to explore, build, and protect – all in the name of fun!
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that Trove has currently approximately 25k players daily.
Trove is a voxel-based MMO that has been around since 2015, which gives it a moderate age. While it has a dedicated player base, the game's popularity has declined over the years, leading to an estimated daily player count of around 25,000.
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July 2015 (10 years ago)
Thirsting for danger and lusting for loot? Grab your friends, hone your blades, and set off for adventure in this free-to-play action MMO. The Sun Goddess has shattered the world into infinite realms. Now they're yours to explore, build, and protect – all in the name of fun!
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that Trove has currently approximately 25k players daily.
Trove is a voxel-based MMO that has been around since 2015, which gives it a moderate age. While it has a dedicated player base, the game's popularity has declined over the years, leading to an estimated daily player count of around 25,000.
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