

January 2013 (12 years ago)

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ArcheAge is a free to play MMORPG that players can make their own way starting from Haranya/Nuia to the lost shores of Auroria. Players can experience 120 unique classes, 20 crafting vocations, various life contents (including farming, trading, housing) and alliance contents.

Estimated Daily Players

1.7 thousand

We estimate that ArcheAge has currently approximately 1.7k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

2 million

We estimate that ArcheAge had approximately 2m players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.9 thousand
December 20237.7 thousand
November 202316 thousand
October 20238.6 thousand
September 202312.1 thousand
August 202316.7 thousand
July 20237.9 thousand
June 202311.7 thousand
May 20236.3 thousand
April 20238.5 thousand
March 202310.1 thousand
February 202310.5 thousand
January 202310.9 thousand
December 20228.3 thousand
November 20228.5 thousand
October 20229.8 thousand
September 202214.4 thousand
August 20229.8 thousand
July 202211.6 thousand

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January 2013 (12 years ago)

social score

ArcheAge is a free to play MMORPG that players can make their own way starting from Haranya/Nuia to the lost shores of Auroria. Players can experience 120 unique classes, 20 crafting vocations, various life contents (including farming, trading, housing) and alliance contents.

Estimated Daily Players

1.7 thousand

We estimate that ArcheAge has currently approximately 1.7k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

2 million

We estimate that ArcheAge had approximately 2m players total.

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Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.9 thousand
December 20237.7 thousand
November 202316 thousand
October 20238.6 thousand
September 202312.1 thousand
August 202316.7 thousand
July 20237.9 thousand
June 202311.7 thousand
May 20236.3 thousand
April 20238.5 thousand
March 202310.1 thousand
February 202310.5 thousand
January 202310.9 thousand
December 20228.3 thousand
November 20228.5 thousand
October 20229.8 thousand
September 202214.4 thousand
August 20229.8 thousand
July 202211.6 thousand

Two thousand years ago, twelve members gathered in the Ayanad library to find out where the world was born. As a result, they possessed strong powers and became gods and heroes. Conflicts caused Auroria to collapse and these hostilities between Haranya and Nuia still persist today. This world was not yet prepared to let them in, since they saw the beginning of the world. For now, there are two young men on the birthplace... and this is the beginning of adventurers on the Great ArcheAge.

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