Secret World Legends
Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends

June 2017 (7 years ago)

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Secret World Legends is a story-driven, shared-world action RPG that plunges players into a shadowy war against the supernatural, where ancient myths and legends cross over into the modern day. Armed with both weapons and superhuman abilities, you will build your powers, solve deep mysteries, and destroy terrifying evils to uncover a dark and captivating storyline that traverses the globe.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Secret World Legends has currently approximately 630 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

487.7 thousand

We estimate that Secret World Legends had approximately 487.7k players total.


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Secret World Legends

June 2017 (7 years ago)

social score

Secret World Legends is a story-driven, shared-world action RPG that plunges players into a shadowy war against the supernatural, where ancient myths and legends cross over into the modern day. Armed with both weapons and superhuman abilities, you will build your powers, solve deep mysteries, and destroy terrifying evils to uncover a dark and captivating storyline that traverses the globe.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Secret World Legends has currently approximately 630 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

487.7 thousand

We estimate that Secret World Legends had approximately 487.7k players total.

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