Anarchy Online
Anarchy Online

Anarchy Online

June 2001 (23 years ago)

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Anarchy Online (AO) is a science fiction themed massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) set almost 30,000 years into the future, in an age where common surgical implants and microscopic nano-bots can relieve most forms of human suffering or transform any normal being into a weapon of destructive force.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Anarchy Online has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

187.9 thousand

We estimate that Anarchy Online had approximately 187.9k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024490
December 20231.9 thousand
November 20232 thousand
October 20231.7 thousand
September 20231.7 thousand
August 20231.7 thousand
July 20231.7 thousand
June 20232.3 thousand
May 20232.4 thousand
April 20234 thousand
March 20234.4 thousand
February 20234.1 thousand
January 20233.8 thousand
December 20223.3 thousand
November 20223.6 thousand
October 20223.5 thousand
September 20223.5 thousand
August 20223.2 thousand
July 20223.7 thousand

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Anarchy Online

June 2001 (23 years ago)

social score

Anarchy Online (AO) is a science fiction themed massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) set almost 30,000 years into the future, in an age where common surgical implants and microscopic nano-bots can relieve most forms of human suffering or transform any normal being into a weapon of destructive force.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Anarchy Online has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

187.9 thousand

We estimate that Anarchy Online had approximately 187.9k players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024490
December 20231.9 thousand
November 20232 thousand
October 20231.7 thousand
September 20231.7 thousand
August 20231.7 thousand
July 20231.7 thousand
June 20232.3 thousand
May 20232.4 thousand
April 20234 thousand
March 20234.4 thousand
February 20234.1 thousand
January 20233.8 thousand
December 20223.3 thousand
November 20223.6 thousand
October 20223.5 thousand
September 20223.5 thousand
August 20223.2 thousand
July 20223.7 thousand

On the planet of Rubi-Ka, a battle rages between the haves and have-nots in a time when the clans seek liberation from the all-powerful Omni-Tek corporation in the name of justice, voluntarily if possible; from the barrel of a gun if necessary. The leaders of both sides are desperately seeking a solution that can stop the violence ravaging the planet, against a backdrop of betrayal, military raids and conniving political games, cyborg assassins and modified humans.

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