Splash Fighters
April 2002 (23 years ago)
GetAmped is a free-to-play MMO Fighting-Action game developed and published by the Japanese company CyberStep, Inc. Initially mainly published in Asia and in North America (under the name Splash Fighters), it has more recently also been released in Brazil and in Europe, including Germany and France. As of 12 November 2012, GetAmped has officially been released and is being played in 16 different countries, and the number of registered users playing GetAmped all over the world exceeds 26 million (as of April 2009). With these latest releases, CyberStep has begun to put into practice its goal of releasing GetAmped in English, German, French, Russian, Turkish and Portuguese in the near future. GetAmped was published by Lyto in Indonesia on 2005 before CyberStep expanded to Indonesia and take over the license on 2013.
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Splash Fighters
April 2002 (23 years ago)
GetAmped is a free-to-play MMO Fighting-Action game developed and published by the Japanese company CyberStep, Inc. Initially mainly published in Asia and in North America (under the name Splash Fighters), it has more recently also been released in Brazil and in Europe, including Germany and France. As of 12 November 2012, GetAmped has officially been released and is being played in 16 different countries, and the number of registered users playing GetAmped all over the world exceeds 26 million (as of April 2009). With these latest releases, CyberStep has begun to put into practice its goal of releasing GetAmped in English, German, French, Russian, Turkish and Portuguese in the near future. GetAmped was published by Lyto in Indonesia on 2005 before CyberStep expanded to Indonesia and take over the license on 2013.