Second Life
June 2003 (22 years ago)
Travel with friends to thousands of beautiful and exciting places — all created by the Second Life community.Filled with Friends, millions of people have already joined Second Life. Chat for free using voice or text with folks from around the world who share your passions and interests.
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that Second Life has currently approximately 60k players daily.
Second Life has been around since 2003, and while it has a dedicated community, its player base has declined over the years. However, it still maintains a significant number of daily active users due to its unique social and creative aspects.
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Second Life
June 2003 (22 years ago)
Travel with friends to thousands of beautiful and exciting places — all created by the Second Life community.Filled with Friends, millions of people have already joined Second Life. Chat for free using voice or text with folks from around the world who share your passions and interests.
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that Second Life has currently approximately 60k players daily.
Second Life has been around since 2003, and while it has a dedicated community, its player base has declined over the years. However, it still maintains a significant number of daily active users due to its unique social and creative aspects.
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