Heavy Metal Machines
Heavy Metal Machines

Heavy Metal Machines

September 2018 (6 years ago)

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The apocalypse is over and only Heavy Metal Machines remains. . Heavy Metal Machines is a unique free multiplayer car battle MOBA with merciless explosions, weapons beyond imagination, and an endless set of customization. Play for free now!

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Heavy Metal Machines has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

9.9 thousand

We estimate that Heavy Metal Machines had approximately 9.9k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024945
December 2023726
November 2023686
October 2023678
September 2023718
July 2023808
June 2023875
May 2023820
April 2023879
March 2023859
February 2023810
January 2023800
December 2022700
November 2022763
October 2022739
September 2022742
August 2022719
July 2022630

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Heavy Metal Machines

September 2018 (6 years ago)

social score

The apocalypse is over and only Heavy Metal Machines remains. . Heavy Metal Machines is a unique free multiplayer car battle MOBA with merciless explosions, weapons beyond imagination, and an endless set of customization. Play for free now!

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Heavy Metal Machines has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

9.9 thousand

We estimate that Heavy Metal Machines had approximately 9.9k players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024945
December 2023726
November 2023686
October 2023678
September 2023718
July 2023808
June 2023875
May 2023820
April 2023879
March 2023859
February 2023810
January 2023800
December 2022700
November 2022763
October 2022739
September 2022742
August 2022719
July 2022630

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