Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator
Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator

Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator

September 2022 (2 years ago)

Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator is a physics-based tactics RPG game which you leading your own force in fantasy medieval world. Build your army and siege equipments. Experience epic siege battles. Lead your people revolting the tyrant!

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Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator

September 2022 (2 years ago)

Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator is a physics-based tactics RPG game which you leading your own force in fantasy medieval world. Build your army and siege equipments. Experience epic siege battles. Lead your people revolting the tyrant!

Game battle mechanics are built on real-world physics. Select different troops and make various siege weapons to battle the enemy. Game controls are greatly simplified. When selecting troops, game time will slow down so that you have plenty of time to strategize and input controls. Then, just leave the rest to your soldiers. Destroy castle walls with trebuchets, or send in the cavalry to sweep across the battlefield?With game combat based on physics simulations, identical matchups can lead to different ends. Choose your favorite battle method, command your troops in real-time, and fight in a realistic world! Working with other unit types, the dozens type of unique units, each with their own stats and skills, can restrain enemies of all sorts, making them extremely effective in each scenario.Each soldier is equipped with independent AI, which allows them to carry out your orders and, in the meantime, making their decisions based on allies and the progress of battle. In addition, in this physics-based world, they're also pretty cute-looking. In addition to commanding your troops for victory, you can also take to the battlefield from the perspective of a troop commander to engage in close-quarters combat with the enemy.The future plan includes custom modules and multiplayer mode, which will make this city siege game even more fun.

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