EverQuest II
November 2004 (20 years ago)
EverQuest II is the epitome of massively multiplayer gaming - the ultimate blend of deep features, heritage, and community. Explore an enormous online world where friends come together for adventure and community. Immerse yourself in the game's exciting locales, mysterious lands, intense battles, exciting quests and amazing achievements. Featuring breathtaking graphics and a vast, beautiful and dangerous game world to explore.
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that EverQuest II has currently approximately 15k players daily.
EverQuest II, released in 2004, is an older MMORPG that has maintained a dedicated player base over the years. However, its player count has likely declined significantly since its peak, leading to an estimate of around 15,000 daily active players.
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EverQuest II
November 2004 (20 years ago)
EverQuest II is the epitome of massively multiplayer gaming - the ultimate blend of deep features, heritage, and community. Explore an enormous online world where friends come together for adventure and community. Immerse yourself in the game's exciting locales, mysterious lands, intense battles, exciting quests and amazing achievements. Featuring breathtaking graphics and a vast, beautiful and dangerous game world to explore.
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that EverQuest II has currently approximately 15k players daily.
EverQuest II, released in 2004, is an older MMORPG that has maintained a dedicated player base over the years. However, its player count has likely declined significantly since its peak, leading to an estimate of around 15,000 daily active players.
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EverQuest II is set on the fictional world of Norrath five hundred years after the The Planes of Power storyline of the original EverQuest game. The gods withdrew from the world in retaliation for mortal incursions into their planes. On Norrath itself, Dark Elves and the Orcs destroyed much of Faydwer; while the Ogres, Goblins, Orcs, and Giants ravaged Antonica. Transport and communication to the moon Luclin were cut off. The storyline says that 100 years ago, the continent of Antonica was ripped apart into smaller islands, which are now called the Shattered Lands. The oceans became impassible, preventing contact between the continents of Norrath. Fifteen years ago, the moon Luclin exploded, and parts of the shattered moon remain in the sky. EverQuest II is set in what is called the "Age of Destiny" on the world of Norrath, 500 years later than the setting of the original EverQuest. The game world has been drastically affected by several cataclysms (see Story, above) since the original EverQuest. The planes have closed, the gods temporarily left, and the moon Luclin has been destroyed (and partially rained onto the face of Norrath). Remnants from the original EverQuest's Norrath can be found throughout the Shattered Lands. Players can ride trained griffons on predetermined routes over the Shattered Lands, or acquire a horse, flying carpet, warg, rhino or a floating disk so that they can travel more swiftly throughout much of the game world.