

December 2018 (6 years ago)

social score

DayZ is a hardcore open-world survival game with only one rule: stay alive, no matter what. How long can you survive a post-apocalyptic world? A land overrun with an infected "zombie" population, where you compete with other survivors for limited resources. Will you team up with strangers and stay strong together? Or play as a lone wolf to avoid betrayal? This is DayZ, this is your story.

Estimated Daily Players

1.2 thousand

We estimate that DayZ has currently approximately 1.2k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

2.3 million

We estimate that DayZ had approximately 2.3m players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.8 thousand
December 202313.7 thousand
November 202317.5 thousand
October 202314.2 thousand
September 202310.5 thousand
July 202312.4 thousand
June 202315.2 thousand
May 202311.5 thousand
April 202313.4 thousand
March 202315.4 thousand
February 202314.7 thousand
January 202315.8 thousand
December 202210.6 thousand
November 202212.6 thousand
October 202216.1 thousand
July 202218.6 thousand

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December 2018 (6 years ago)

social score

DayZ is a hardcore open-world survival game with only one rule: stay alive, no matter what. How long can you survive a post-apocalyptic world? A land overrun with an infected "zombie" population, where you compete with other survivors for limited resources. Will you team up with strangers and stay strong together? Or play as a lone wolf to avoid betrayal? This is DayZ, this is your story.

Estimated Daily Players

1.2 thousand

We estimate that DayZ has currently approximately 1.2k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

2.3 million

We estimate that DayZ had approximately 2.3m players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.8 thousand
December 202313.7 thousand
November 202317.5 thousand
October 202314.2 thousand
September 202310.5 thousand
July 202312.4 thousand
June 202315.2 thousand
May 202311.5 thousand
April 202313.4 thousand
March 202315.4 thousand
February 202314.7 thousand
January 202315.8 thousand
December 202210.6 thousand
November 202212.6 thousand
October 202216.1 thousand
July 202218.6 thousand

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