Wurm Online
Wurm Online

Wurm Online

December 2012 (12 years ago)

daily players

Wurm Online is a totally unique, highly accessible online wilderness MMORPG that will drag you in, shake you up and down, bite you, annoy you, drive you completely mad and leave you wondering why you didn’t find it a million years ago! Both PvP and PvE server clusters are available. On the Freedom PvE cluster, you can enjoy a peaceful life being eaten by bears in the woods. One of those servers offers opportunities to get a taste for fighting with other players, though. The Epic PvP cluster offers a lot of opportunities to fight and compete with other players. It also has bears, so watch out! You can transfer your account between the clusters at any time, skills and items do not transfer but are kept intact. Playing is easy. Just register for free and then download the Java client and packages by clicking on the Play! button on the site. Oh, you need Java, but there is a handy link for Java up to the right. Java is, of course, platform-independent, which means you can play Wurm on Linux, Mac, and even Windows!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Wurm Online has currently approximately 500 players daily.

Wurm Online is an older game that has been around for many years, which typically results in a smaller player base. Its niche appeal and the fact that it has a dedicated but limited community suggest a conservative estimate of daily players.

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Wurm Online

December 2012 (12 years ago)

daily players

Wurm Online is a totally unique, highly accessible online wilderness MMORPG that will drag you in, shake you up and down, bite you, annoy you, drive you completely mad and leave you wondering why you didn’t find it a million years ago! Both PvP and PvE server clusters are available. On the Freedom PvE cluster, you can enjoy a peaceful life being eaten by bears in the woods. One of those servers offers opportunities to get a taste for fighting with other players, though. The Epic PvP cluster offers a lot of opportunities to fight and compete with other players. It also has bears, so watch out! You can transfer your account between the clusters at any time, skills and items do not transfer but are kept intact. Playing is easy. Just register for free and then download the Java client and packages by clicking on the Play! button on the site. Oh, you need Java, but there is a handy link for Java up to the right. Java is, of course, platform-independent, which means you can play Wurm on Linux, Mac, and even Windows!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Wurm Online has currently approximately 500 players daily.

Wurm Online is an older game that has been around for many years, which typically results in a smaller player base. Its niche appeal and the fact that it has a dedicated but limited community suggest a conservative estimate of daily players.

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