World of Warcraft Classic
World of Warcraft Classic

World of Warcraft Classic

August 2019 (6 years ago)

daily players

World of Warcraft: Classic (shortened as Classic) is a new server option for World of Warcraft announced at BlizzCon 2017. The goal of Classic is to let players experience World of Warcraft as close as possible to what it was before The Burning Crusade.

Estimated Daily Players

800 thousand

We estimate that World of Warcraft Classic has currently approximately 800k players daily.

World of Warcraft Classic, being a re-release of the iconic MMORPG, has a strong player base due to nostalgia and the ongoing support from Blizzard. Its established community and regular updates contribute to a high daily active player count, especially for a game of its age.

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World of Warcraft Classic

August 2019 (6 years ago)

daily players

World of Warcraft: Classic (shortened as Classic) is a new server option for World of Warcraft announced at BlizzCon 2017. The goal of Classic is to let players experience World of Warcraft as close as possible to what it was before The Burning Crusade.

Estimated Daily Players

800 thousand

We estimate that World of Warcraft Classic has currently approximately 800k players daily.

World of Warcraft Classic, being a re-release of the iconic MMORPG, has a strong player base due to nostalgia and the ongoing support from Blizzard. Its established community and regular updates contribute to a high daily active player count, especially for a game of its age.

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