

October 2017 (7 years ago)

social score

Warzone is a tactical turn-based war game which requires a chess level of logical thinking and which provides an entertainment comparable to that of a tank shooter.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Warzone has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

57.8 thousand

We estimate that Warzone had approximately 57.8k players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024420
December 2023726
November 2023868
October 2023725
September 2023718
July 2023921
June 2023924
May 2023888
April 2023903
March 2023914
February 2023795
January 2023752
December 2022880
November 2022784
October 2022756

Social media


    October 2017 (7 years ago)

    social score

    Warzone is a tactical turn-based war game which requires a chess level of logical thinking and which provides an entertainment comparable to that of a tank shooter.

    Estimated Daily Players


    We estimate that Warzone has currently approximately 420 players daily.

    Estimated Total Players

    57.8 thousand

    We estimate that Warzone had approximately 57.8k players total.

    Rate this data

    Do the game status and estimations look correct?
    Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

    MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
    May 2024420
    December 2023726
    November 2023868
    October 2023725
    September 2023718
    July 2023921
    June 2023924
    May 2023888
    April 2023903
    March 2023914
    February 2023795
    January 2023752
    December 2022880
    November 2022784
    October 2022756

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