Ultima Online
Ultima Online

Ultima Online

September 1997 (27 years ago)

social score

Ultima Online is the product of Richard Garriott's idea for a fantasy game involving several thousand people who can all play in a shared fantasy world. It is responsible for grandfathering the genre of the MMO, and showing the industry that MMO's were the next era of gaming.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Ultima Online has currently approximately 630 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

614.6 thousand

We estimate that Ultima Online had approximately 614.6k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.5 thousand
December 20235.8 thousand
November 20235.7 thousand
October 20234.4 thousand
September 20234.1 thousand
July 202310.9 thousand
June 202316.8 thousand
May 20237.1 thousand
April 20236.6 thousand
March 20236.5 thousand
February 20236.2 thousand
January 20236 thousand
December 20223.8 thousand
November 20224 thousand
October 20224.2 thousand
September 20224.3 thousand
August 20224.6 thousand
July 20225.9 thousand

Ultima Online

September 1997 (27 years ago)

social score

Ultima Online is the product of Richard Garriott's idea for a fantasy game involving several thousand people who can all play in a shared fantasy world. It is responsible for grandfathering the genre of the MMO, and showing the industry that MMO's were the next era of gaming.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Ultima Online has currently approximately 630 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

614.6 thousand

We estimate that Ultima Online had approximately 614.6k players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.5 thousand
December 20235.8 thousand
November 20235.7 thousand
October 20234.4 thousand
September 20234.1 thousand
July 202310.9 thousand
June 202316.8 thousand
May 20237.1 thousand
April 20236.6 thousand
March 20236.5 thousand
February 20236.2 thousand
January 20236 thousand
December 20223.8 thousand
November 20224 thousand
October 20224.2 thousand
September 20224.3 thousand
August 20224.6 thousand
July 20225.9 thousand

During the earliest span of the age of darkness; found in the writings of only the most aged of manuscripts, lived a world born of mystic arts and ancient sorcery: Sosaria. Despite Sosaria's enchanted origins, it's people shunned magic, for it's very use corrupted the souls of the unwary. But one man dared to awake the slumbering powers of Alchemy. Twisting the awesome power of the Gem of Immortality to his will, and binding all of Sosaria to his corruption: Mondain the Wizard. His power was absolute, as the whole of the planet was gripped in his cruel embrace. Only the appearance of a stranger saved Sosaria from impending destruction. From whence he came, no one knows; but his strength and his courage were without peer. In this stranger, lied Sosaria's only hope; Only a traveler from the stars could release this world from Mondain's vile stranglehold. He would prove himself a savior; shattering the Gem of Immortality, and defeating Mondain. But... A deeper and more sinister evil was released with the destruction of the Gem; For Sosaria was not free of the stone's power. The planet was still bound to the Jewel's magic, even as it laid shattered on the floor of Mondain's Castle. For within each shattered remnant of the jewel, dwelled a perfect likeness of Sosaria... Thus is the world in which you are born, live, and die. Britannia, that was once Sosaria, now exists as a thousand worlds; each with it's own peoples, history and destiny. This Britannia is but one of many, in the multiverse that is: Ultima Online.

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