Tree of Savior
May 2016 (9 years ago)
Tree of Savior is a Korean MMORPG game.
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that Tree of Savior has currently approximately 15k players daily.
Tree of Savior was released in 2016, and while it has a dedicated fanbase, its player count has likely declined over the years. Given its MMORPG tag and the typical lifecycle of such games, an estimate of around 15,000 daily active players seems reasonable.
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Tree of Savior
May 2016 (9 years ago)
Tree of Savior is a Korean MMORPG game.
Estimated Daily Players
We estimate that Tree of Savior has currently approximately 15k players daily.
Tree of Savior was released in 2016, and while it has a dedicated fanbase, its player count has likely declined over the years. Given its MMORPG tag and the typical lifecycle of such games, an estimate of around 15,000 daily active players seems reasonable.
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