Toontown Rewritten
Toontown Rewritten

Toontown Rewritten

August 2014 (11 years ago)

daily players

Toontown Rewritten is a game where you and other toons are trying to protect and save the town from the Business Cogs, you can play solo or with friends.

Estimated Daily Players

5 thousand

We estimate that Toontown Rewritten has currently approximately 5k players daily.

Toontown Rewritten is a fan-made revival of the original Toontown Online, which has a nostalgic player base. Given its age and the nature of fan projects, it likely has a modest daily player count, estimated around 5,000.

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Toontown Rewritten

August 2014 (11 years ago)

daily players

Toontown Rewritten is a game where you and other toons are trying to protect and save the town from the Business Cogs, you can play solo or with friends.

Estimated Daily Players

5 thousand

We estimate that Toontown Rewritten has currently approximately 5k players daily.

Toontown Rewritten is a fan-made revival of the original Toontown Online, which has a nostalgic player base. Given its age and the nature of fan projects, it likely has a modest daily player count, estimated around 5,000.

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Create your own Toon and join the never-ending battle against the "Cogs", who want to turn Toontown into their latest business venture.

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