Time Princess
Time Princess

Time Princess

September 2020 (4 years ago)

social score

Unique and beautiful attire and accessories Every story will have its own style that suits the world it's set in: ancient, modern, eastern, western, and more. Dramatic story-changing choices The story's ending and the fate of its characters lie in your hands. Highly customizable clothing DIY Use your imagination and apply special styles, patterns, and colors to customize everything to your liking. Relaxing and fun pet system Collect cute kitty cats of various colors and markings, and send them out to help you collect materials. There's no need to replay stages over and over again. Get all you need in a fun and carefree manner. Make friends and share your wardrobe Make friends with fellow players all over the world, and share your clothes and your creativity!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Time Princess has currently approximately 210 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

667.3 thousand

We estimate that Time Princess had approximately 667.3k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024525
December 20237.5 thousand
November 20239.8 thousand
October 20237.5 thousand
September 20238.3 thousand
July 20237.6 thousand
June 20238.5 thousand
May 20239 thousand
April 202310.9 thousand
March 202313.8 thousand
February 202312.6 thousand
January 202315.5 thousand
December 202213.7 thousand
November 202212.7 thousand
October 202212.9 thousand

Time Princess

September 2020 (4 years ago)

social score

Unique and beautiful attire and accessories Every story will have its own style that suits the world it's set in: ancient, modern, eastern, western, and more. Dramatic story-changing choices The story's ending and the fate of its characters lie in your hands. Highly customizable clothing DIY Use your imagination and apply special styles, patterns, and colors to customize everything to your liking. Relaxing and fun pet system Collect cute kitty cats of various colors and markings, and send them out to help you collect materials. There's no need to replay stages over and over again. Get all you need in a fun and carefree manner. Make friends and share your wardrobe Make friends with fellow players all over the world, and share your clothes and your creativity!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Time Princess has currently approximately 210 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

667.3 thousand

We estimate that Time Princess had approximately 667.3k players total.

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Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024525
December 20237.5 thousand
November 20239.8 thousand
October 20237.5 thousand
September 20238.3 thousand
July 20237.6 thousand
June 20238.5 thousand
May 20239 thousand
April 202310.9 thousand
March 202313.8 thousand
February 202312.6 thousand
January 202315.5 thousand
December 202213.7 thousand
November 202212.7 thousand
October 202212.9 thousand

You've been looking forward to the summer break, but now you have to go visit your grandpa in Paradise Town. This mysterious place, your doddering grandpa, and your mother's old bedroom... You can't help but feel that there's a secret hidden here. A dusty old lectern shall become the gateway between reality and the world of books, and open up the way to a beautiful, magical adventure. Step into Versailles, and fight the chaos threatening the kingdom over an opulent necklace; obtain stunning palace attire, and immerse yourself in 18th century Rococo beauty. Of course, you will also meet a special person in your life, and face difficult decisions in critical situations...

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