

January 1997 (28 years ago)

social score

Tibia is one of the oldest and most successful massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) created in Europe. In an MMORPG people from all over the world meet on a virtual playground to explore areas, solve tricky riddles and undertake heroic exploits.

Estimated Daily Players

6.5 thousand

We estimate that Tibia has currently approximately 6.5k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

2.3 million

We estimate that Tibia had approximately 2.3m players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20245.4 thousand
December 202334.5 thousand
November 202338.9 thousand
October 202333.7 thousand
September 202335.4 thousand
July 202334.9 thousand
June 202345.2 thousand
May 202346.3 thousand
April 202343.4 thousand
March 202348.4 thousand
February 202348.4 thousand
January 202346 thousand
December 202237.2 thousand
November 202237.9 thousand
October 202239.3 thousand
September 202239 thousand
August 202237.1 thousand
July 202240.5 thousand

Social media


January 1997 (28 years ago)

social score

Tibia is one of the oldest and most successful massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) created in Europe. In an MMORPG people from all over the world meet on a virtual playground to explore areas, solve tricky riddles and undertake heroic exploits.

Estimated Daily Players

6.5 thousand

We estimate that Tibia has currently approximately 6.5k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

2.3 million

We estimate that Tibia had approximately 2.3m players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20245.4 thousand
December 202334.5 thousand
November 202338.9 thousand
October 202333.7 thousand
September 202335.4 thousand
July 202334.9 thousand
June 202345.2 thousand
May 202346.3 thousand
April 202343.4 thousand
March 202348.4 thousand
February 202348.4 thousand
January 202346 thousand
December 202237.2 thousand
November 202237.9 thousand
October 202239.3 thousand
September 202239 thousand
August 202237.1 thousand
July 202240.5 thousand

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