

January 2011 (14 years ago)

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Tera is an epic fantasy mmorpg experience. Master the action-packed combat system and prove yourself in solo and multiplayer adventures - all in the stunningly beautiful world of Arborea!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Tera has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

2 million

We estimate that Tera had approximately 2m players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.1 thousand
December 20233.8 thousand
November 20239.5 thousand
October 20234 thousand
September 20234 thousand
July 20234 thousand
June 20238.5 thousand
May 20235.5 thousand
April 20235.7 thousand
March 20236 thousand
February 20236.1 thousand
January 20236.6 thousand
December 20224.7 thousand
November 20224.7 thousand
October 20225 thousand
September 20226 thousand
August 20226.3 thousand
July 20227.2 thousand

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January 2011 (14 years ago)

social score

Tera is an epic fantasy mmorpg experience. Master the action-packed combat system and prove yourself in solo and multiplayer adventures - all in the stunningly beautiful world of Arborea!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Tera has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

2 million

We estimate that Tera had approximately 2m players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.1 thousand
December 20233.8 thousand
November 20239.5 thousand
October 20234 thousand
September 20234 thousand
July 20234 thousand
June 20238.5 thousand
May 20235.5 thousand
April 20235.7 thousand
March 20236 thousand
February 20236.1 thousand
January 20236.6 thousand
December 20224.7 thousand
November 20224.7 thousand
October 20225 thousand
September 20226 thousand
August 20226.3 thousand
July 20227.2 thousand

About a millennia ago two omnipotent titans Arun and Shara entered into formless voids and for reasons we can only guess, fell asleep. The titans started to dream. Dream of a world that took form on their backs known as Tera. The first beings to call Tera home were twelve godlike beings dreamt up by the titans, but it wasn’t long before the gods started fighting. As the dream continued new creatures took place called mortals, they were less powerful but far more numerous. Arun dreamed of ambitious Elves, clever Humans, honor bound Amani, powerful Giants, scheming Devas, and mischievous Poporis. Shara dreamed of sly Sikandari, dark Gulas and Vampires, fierce Wendigos, strange Faeries, and serpentine Nagas. The mortals were forced into the divine wars of the gods, which eventually left the gods dead, imprisoned, or otherwise diminished. The mortal races didn’t escape unscathed. Some—like the Sikandari, and most of the Giants—were wiped out but others rose from the wars such as the Barakas and Castanics. Now that the gods were gone the seven races; Amani, Barakas, Castanics, Elin, High Elves, Humans, and Poporis must band together to fend off a new enemy. A metallic race from the underworld called Argons; their goal is to take over Tera and wake the titans to end their dreams and destroy Tera.

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