Tanki Online
Tanki Online

Tanki Online

March 2017 (8 years ago)

Tanki Online is a free multiplayer, browser-based, free-to-play game in the arcade tank simulator genre. Players plays as customized tanks on different maps to defeat opponents in team battle or alone. Other game modes include capture the flag and retain a strategic position. Based on overall performance game credits in form of golds are provided. Credits can be redeemed to upgrade tank performances. Specialized communities are based on the game especially from Eastern Europe , Russia and South Asian nations. Game graphics can work perfectly on decade old pc without any dedicated gpu, that makes for it high demographic appeal.


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Tanki Online

March 2017 (8 years ago)

Tanki Online is a free multiplayer, browser-based, free-to-play game in the arcade tank simulator genre. Players plays as customized tanks on different maps to defeat opponents in team battle or alone. Other game modes include capture the flag and retain a strategic position. Based on overall performance game credits in form of golds are provided. Credits can be redeemed to upgrade tank performances. Specialized communities are based on the game especially from Eastern Europe , Russia and South Asian nations. Game graphics can work perfectly on decade old pc without any dedicated gpu, that makes for it high demographic appeal.


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