Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading
Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading

Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading

November 2019 (5 years ago)

Sword Art Online Unleash Blading was a mobile game based on the Sword Art Online Alicization saga. It was originale called "Alicization Blading" in Japan and "Alicization Rising Steel" worldwide, but it was renamed in 2021. The game closed on January 16, 2023.

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Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading

November 2019 (5 years ago)

Sword Art Online Unleash Blading was a mobile game based on the Sword Art Online Alicization saga. It was originale called "Alicization Blading" in Japan and "Alicization Rising Steel" worldwide, but it was renamed in 2021. The game closed on January 16, 2023.

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