

June 2021 (3 years ago)

social score

Starbase is a massively multiplayer online game with gameplay focused on building and designing spaceships and stations, exploration, resource gathering, crafting, trading, and combat. Alternatively the game features a sandbox mode where players can explore the game alone or with selected friends in their own universe. Set in a universe of vast scale and detail, the fully-destructible environment and hybrid voxel/vertex-based game mechanics enable simulations in the game at immense depth; minor collisions may break a few outer plates from your spaceship, while fast-speed crashes can rip the ship apart. The scale and depth of the simulation in all aspects of the game gives players the ultimate freedom to exploit their innovativeness and creativity – the building blocks of success in Starbase. From constructing single spaceships with durable outer platings to creating massive automated factories and designing electricity and data networks, the players are free to do it their own way.

Estimated Daily Players

1.3 thousand

We estimate that Starbase has currently approximately 1.3k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

639.2 thousand

We estimate that Starbase had approximately 639.2k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.2 thousand
December 20231.4 thousand
November 20232.7 thousand
October 20232.5 thousand
September 20233.3 thousand
July 20232.8 thousand
June 20233.3 thousand
May 20233.3 thousand
April 20233.5 thousand
March 20234.1 thousand
February 20234.1 thousand
January 20235.4 thousand
December 20225 thousand
November 20225.6 thousand
October 20225.3 thousand
September 20227 thousand
August 20226.6 thousand
July 202210.4 thousand

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June 2021 (3 years ago)

social score

Starbase is a massively multiplayer online game with gameplay focused on building and designing spaceships and stations, exploration, resource gathering, crafting, trading, and combat. Alternatively the game features a sandbox mode where players can explore the game alone or with selected friends in their own universe. Set in a universe of vast scale and detail, the fully-destructible environment and hybrid voxel/vertex-based game mechanics enable simulations in the game at immense depth; minor collisions may break a few outer plates from your spaceship, while fast-speed crashes can rip the ship apart. The scale and depth of the simulation in all aspects of the game gives players the ultimate freedom to exploit their innovativeness and creativity – the building blocks of success in Starbase. From constructing single spaceships with durable outer platings to creating massive automated factories and designing electricity and data networks, the players are free to do it their own way.

Estimated Daily Players

1.3 thousand

We estimate that Starbase has currently approximately 1.3k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

639.2 thousand

We estimate that Starbase had approximately 639.2k players total.

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Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.2 thousand
December 20231.4 thousand
November 20232.7 thousand
October 20232.5 thousand
September 20233.3 thousand
July 20232.8 thousand
June 20233.3 thousand
May 20233.3 thousand
April 20233.5 thousand
March 20234.1 thousand
February 20234.1 thousand
January 20235.4 thousand
December 20225 thousand
November 20225.6 thousand
October 20225.3 thousand
September 20227 thousand
August 20226.6 thousand
July 202210.4 thousand

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