Star Stable
Star Stable

Star Stable

December 2012 (12 years ago)

social score

Star Stable is a MMORPG built especially for those with a passion for horses and games. Players will ride their own horse through the huge 3D world, customise their character and horse, compete in different races and competitions, chat and help each other through challenges, mysteries, and horse adventures the game has to offer.

Estimated Daily Players

2.1 thousand

We estimate that Star Stable has currently approximately 2.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

1.1 million

We estimate that Star Stable had approximately 1.1m players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20242.7 thousand
December 202329.6 thousand
November 202325.6 thousand
October 202323.5 thousand
September 202323.4 thousand
July 202324.2 thousand
June 202327.6 thousand
May 202322.4 thousand
April 202321.2 thousand
March 202333.4 thousand
February 202319.4 thousand
January 202321.3 thousand
December 202219 thousand
November 202217.3 thousand
October 202219.2 thousand

Social media

Star Stable

December 2012 (12 years ago)

social score

Star Stable is a MMORPG built especially for those with a passion for horses and games. Players will ride their own horse through the huge 3D world, customise their character and horse, compete in different races and competitions, chat and help each other through challenges, mysteries, and horse adventures the game has to offer.

Estimated Daily Players

2.1 thousand

We estimate that Star Stable has currently approximately 2.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

1.1 million

We estimate that Star Stable had approximately 1.1m players total.

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Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20242.7 thousand
December 202329.6 thousand
November 202325.6 thousand
October 202323.5 thousand
September 202323.4 thousand
July 202324.2 thousand
June 202327.6 thousand
May 202322.4 thousand
April 202321.2 thousand
March 202333.4 thousand
February 202319.4 thousand
January 202321.3 thousand
December 202219 thousand
November 202217.3 thousand
October 202219.2 thousand

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