

January 2001 (24 years ago)

daily players

RuneScape is a high fantasy open world MMORPG. Explore an ever changing and evolving living world where new challenges, skills, and quests await. Featuring unprecedented player freedom, you choose how to play, adventure, and grow.

Estimated Daily Players

50 thousand

We estimate that RuneScape has currently approximately 50k players daily.

RuneScape is a long-standing MMORPG that has maintained a dedicated player base since its release in 2001. Despite its age, it continues to receive updates and has a loyal community, contributing to a stable daily player count.

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January 2001 (24 years ago)

daily players

RuneScape is a high fantasy open world MMORPG. Explore an ever changing and evolving living world where new challenges, skills, and quests await. Featuring unprecedented player freedom, you choose how to play, adventure, and grow.

Estimated Daily Players

50 thousand

We estimate that RuneScape has currently approximately 50k players daily.

RuneScape is a long-standing MMORPG that has maintained a dedicated player base since its release in 2001. Despite its age, it continues to receive updates and has a loyal community, contributing to a stable daily player count.

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