Rose Online
Rose Online

Rose Online

September 2012 (12 years ago)

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We don't know where Arua came from, nor how she came to be. We do know, however, that nothing existed before Arua. The Goddess of life, souls, and all existence created the universe as she saw fit… a calm and beautiful place where souls could dwell peacefully. The deep matters of the universe cradled the waves of life, on which all beings would sway soothingly. This perfect universe was called the Sea of Souls.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Rose Online has currently approximately 840 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

37.1 thousand

We estimate that Rose Online had approximately 37.1k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024525
December 2023783
November 2023784
October 2023664
September 2023797
July 2023954
June 2023896
May 2023847
April 2023926
March 2023968
February 2023975
January 2023935
December 20221.3 thousand
November 2022798
October 2022752
September 2022840
August 2022800
July 2022735

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Rose Online

September 2012 (12 years ago)

social score

We don't know where Arua came from, nor how she came to be. We do know, however, that nothing existed before Arua. The Goddess of life, souls, and all existence created the universe as she saw fit… a calm and beautiful place where souls could dwell peacefully. The deep matters of the universe cradled the waves of life, on which all beings would sway soothingly. This perfect universe was called the Sea of Souls.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Rose Online has currently approximately 840 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

37.1 thousand

We estimate that Rose Online had approximately 37.1k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024525
December 2023783
November 2023784
October 2023664
September 2023797
July 2023954
June 2023896
May 2023847
April 2023926
March 2023968
February 2023975
January 2023935
December 20221.3 thousand
November 2022798
October 2022752
September 2022840
August 2022800
July 2022735

There are various tales, fantasies, and legends around the seven planets and many of them contain some grain of truth. Our universe, or as it was called in the old tales, the Sea of Souls, was a vast ocean of darkness until the goddess Arua created the seven planets. Each one of them was special and unique. However, all seven planets were created with Arua's love and they shined with the brilliance of seven stars, filling the vast ocean of darkness with wondrous light and life. However, Hebarn, god of malice, grew envious of Arua for her creative power. He forcefully took the seventh planet and pompously named it after himself. Hebarn had become a constant threat to the peace of the seven planets as well as to the goddess Arua. To protect the planets from Hebarn's looming menace, Arua created the Visitors, living beings to protect and inhabit the planets. They were scattered among the seven planets to bring peace and justice to the different worlds.

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