

March 2021 (4 years ago)

Remnants is a first-person open world survival sandbox featuring, solo, co-op, PvE and PvP gameplay. Tackle starvation, dehydration, thermal conditions, radiation poisoning, and toxic gas inhalation while trying to keep your sanity intact. Shack up, cook some chicken, and make friends or enemies as you discover, explore, learn, build, and develop your skills and strategies needed to survive.


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March 2021 (4 years ago)

Remnants is a first-person open world survival sandbox featuring, solo, co-op, PvE and PvP gameplay. Tackle starvation, dehydration, thermal conditions, radiation poisoning, and toxic gas inhalation while trying to keep your sanity intact. Shack up, cook some chicken, and make friends or enemies as you discover, explore, learn, build, and develop your skills and strategies needed to survive.

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