Realm of the Mad God
Realm of the Mad God

Realm of the Mad God

June 2011 (13 years ago)

social score

Team up with dozens of players and battle through the Realm of the Mad God, Oryx. With a retro 8-bit style, Realm is an evolution of traditional MMO gameplay. A dozen classes and hundreds of items to discover means Realm is easy to play but difficult to master.

Estimated Daily Players

10.1 thousand

We estimate that Realm of the Mad God has currently approximately 10.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

4.2 million

We estimate that Realm of the Mad God had approximately 4.2m players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 202410.4 thousand
December 202330.6 thousand
November 202353.3 thousand
October 202351.2 thousand
September 202343.9 thousand
July 202347.1 thousand
June 202364.8 thousand
May 202342 thousand
April 202343.6 thousand
March 202343 thousand
February 202339.5 thousand
January 202341.4 thousand
December 202241.6 thousand
November 202239.6 thousand
October 202244 thousand
September 202241.3 thousand
August 202246.1 thousand
July 202244.7 thousand

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    Realm of the Mad God

    June 2011 (13 years ago)

    social score

    Team up with dozens of players and battle through the Realm of the Mad God, Oryx. With a retro 8-bit style, Realm is an evolution of traditional MMO gameplay. A dozen classes and hundreds of items to discover means Realm is easy to play but difficult to master.

    Estimated Daily Players

    10.1 thousand

    We estimate that Realm of the Mad God has currently approximately 10.1k players daily.

    Estimated Total Players

    4.2 million

    We estimate that Realm of the Mad God had approximately 4.2m players total.

    Rate this data

    Do the game status and estimations look correct?
    Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

    MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
    May 202410.4 thousand
    December 202330.6 thousand
    November 202353.3 thousand
    October 202351.2 thousand
    September 202343.9 thousand
    July 202347.1 thousand
    June 202364.8 thousand
    May 202342 thousand
    April 202343.6 thousand
    March 202343 thousand
    February 202339.5 thousand
    January 202341.4 thousand
    December 202241.6 thousand
    November 202239.6 thousand
    October 202244 thousand
    September 202241.3 thousand
    August 202246.1 thousand
    July 202244.7 thousand

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