Ragnarok Origin
Ragnarok Origin

Ragnarok Origin

July 2020 (4 years ago)

social score

The legendary MMORPG with signature classes and skills. The world of Ragnarok awaits you. The Fantasy life you've imagined becomes a reality in the open world mobile MMORPG!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Ragnarok Origin has currently approximately 840 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

32.6 thousand

We estimate that Ragnarok Origin had approximately 32.6k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024840
December 2023707
November 2023742
October 2023732
September 2023639
July 2023889
June 2023910
May 2023908
April 20231.2 thousand
March 20231 thousand
February 2023765
January 2023739
December 2022730
November 2022763
October 2022812

Ragnarok Origin

July 2020 (4 years ago)

social score

The legendary MMORPG with signature classes and skills. The world of Ragnarok awaits you. The Fantasy life you've imagined becomes a reality in the open world mobile MMORPG!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Ragnarok Origin has currently approximately 840 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

32.6 thousand

We estimate that Ragnarok Origin had approximately 32.6k players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024840
December 2023707
November 2023742
October 2023732
September 2023639
July 2023889
June 2023910
May 2023908
April 20231.2 thousand
March 20231 thousand
February 2023765
January 2023739
December 2022730
November 2022763
October 2022812

The Origin Of The World In the beginning, there was no light or order, Only Chaos. From Chaos came the “First Consciousness”. As chaos and order collided, so too did light and dark. From this, all creation was born. As Loki opened the Devil’s gate, the world fell to darkness, igniting a war between the Demons and Aesir. Thus began Ragnarok. The war between God and the Devil lasted for ages. As the Demons began losing the war with victory in sight for the Aesir, Freya Goddess of the Valkyries invoked her power and devoured God and the Devil. Vanquished, but not defeated, Loki placed the Curse of Destruction upon the land. “I lost, but my descendants will be reborn from the Dimensions of the Abyss and destroy Midgard”. Once Odin discovered Loki’s curse, he delivered the Oracle to protect his beloved land. After losing the war, the Devil awaits in the depth of the Abyss, longing for revenge, recovering in Niflheim…

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