Puzzle Pirates
Puzzle Pirates

Puzzle Pirates

December 2003 (21 years ago)

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Brace yourself for swashbuckling puzzle action as you pillage your way to glory across the briny deep. Create and customize a pirate, collect booty, and join a player-run crew of cutthroats! Every activity in Puzzle Pirates is a uniquely fun puzzle: be it sailing, gunning, or hauling treasure, your own puzzling skill determines your success. Free to Play: Puzzle Pirates is free to play.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Puzzle Pirates has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

132.1 thousand

We estimate that Puzzle Pirates had approximately 132.1k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024315
December 20231.5 thousand
November 20231.8 thousand
October 20231.8 thousand
September 20231.8 thousand
July 20232.2 thousand
June 20232.7 thousand
May 20232.5 thousand
April 20232.3 thousand
March 20232 thousand
February 20231.9 thousand
January 20231.6 thousand
December 20221.1 thousand
November 20221.2 thousand
October 20221.3 thousand
September 20221.2 thousand
August 20221.7 thousand
July 20221.9 thousand

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Puzzle Pirates

December 2003 (21 years ago)

social score

Brace yourself for swashbuckling puzzle action as you pillage your way to glory across the briny deep. Create and customize a pirate, collect booty, and join a player-run crew of cutthroats! Every activity in Puzzle Pirates is a uniquely fun puzzle: be it sailing, gunning, or hauling treasure, your own puzzling skill determines your success. Free to Play: Puzzle Pirates is free to play.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Puzzle Pirates has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

132.1 thousand

We estimate that Puzzle Pirates had approximately 132.1k players total.

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Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024315
December 20231.5 thousand
November 20231.8 thousand
October 20231.8 thousand
September 20231.8 thousand
July 20232.2 thousand
June 20232.7 thousand
May 20232.5 thousand
April 20232.3 thousand
March 20232 thousand
February 20231.9 thousand
January 20231.6 thousand
December 20221.1 thousand
November 20221.2 thousand
October 20221.3 thousand
September 20221.2 thousand
August 20221.7 thousand
July 20221.9 thousand

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