Pixxelverse Online
Pixxelverse Online

Pixxelverse Online


Pixxelverse Online is a game that blurs the line between a social platform (MMOSP) and a roleplaying game (MMORPG). It is a place for people to socialize, build together, talk to each other, share video, and communicate in real-time. You and your friends can join together and go on adventures on a map that changes each year. By playing the game and exploring the world the users can obtain new cosmetics, furniture and weapons to enhance their characters and offer them a unique experience with a unique avatar customized by you.


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Pixxelverse Online


Pixxelverse Online is a game that blurs the line between a social platform (MMOSP) and a roleplaying game (MMORPG). It is a place for people to socialize, build together, talk to each other, share video, and communicate in real-time. You and your friends can join together and go on adventures on a map that changes each year. By playing the game and exploring the world the users can obtain new cosmetics, furniture and weapons to enhance their characters and offer them a unique experience with a unique avatar customized by you.

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