

December 2007 (17 years ago)

Panfu was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game for children aged between 6 and 13. Each player could create their own panda. With this avatar the players could chat with each other, play games, learn in a playful atmosphere and complete quests in the different places of the island of Panfu. Panfu was shut down in November 2016 after years of decline. However, fanmade versions of the game are currently available.


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December 2007 (17 years ago)

Panfu was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game for children aged between 6 and 13. Each player could create their own panda. With this avatar the players could chat with each other, play games, learn in a playful atmosphere and complete quests in the different places of the island of Panfu. Panfu was shut down in November 2016 after years of decline. However, fanmade versions of the game are currently available.

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