

July 2017 (8 years ago)

NitroRage - crazy multiplayer races with weapons. Destroy your competitors using the minigun, rocket launcher, flamethrower and other guns, or abuse of the machine with a RAM-style Derby. Drive using nitro boosts, jump with springboard on the roofs of buildings, and the demolition of funiture stores and offices, find on the map new weapons. Waiting for you the most destructible environments, lots of fun, explosions and drive and nice graphics on top game engine Unreal engine 4.


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July 2017 (8 years ago)

NitroRage - crazy multiplayer races with weapons. Destroy your competitors using the minigun, rocket launcher, flamethrower and other guns, or abuse of the machine with a RAM-style Derby. Drive using nitro boosts, jump with springboard on the roofs of buildings, and the demolition of funiture stores and offices, find on the map new weapons. Waiting for you the most destructible environments, lots of fun, explosions and drive and nice graphics on top game engine Unreal engine 4.

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