Nightmist Online
Nightmist Online

Nightmist Online

October 2000 (24 years ago)

Nightmist is an icon/text-based MUD (Multi User Dungeon). Create a fully-customizable character with distinctive strengths and weakness. Choose from one of nine classes, each one significantly influencing how you experience the game. Form allegiances and travel expansive regions, questing for riches, priceless artifacts, and most importantly, fame.


Nightmist Online

October 2000 (24 years ago)

Nightmist is an icon/text-based MUD (Multi User Dungeon). Create a fully-customizable character with distinctive strengths and weakness. Choose from one of nine classes, each one significantly influencing how you experience the game. Form allegiances and travel expansive regions, questing for riches, priceless artifacts, and most importantly, fame.

The fate of our world lies upon you, worthy adventurer. Will you chance the path of the hero, fighting for the deities of light, and striving for clarity in this turbulent world? Or perhaps you are a being of the shadows, vowing to wreak unearthly affliction on those unfortunate souls who dare cross your path. Be forewarned, however, as you strive to create a reputation for yourself in this land. Rarely do the gods forget a deed, and verily, your actions will be remembered.

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