New Eden
New Eden

New Eden


New Eden is an Online Action Role-Playing Game with focus on involved lore, roleplay, and souls-like combat re-emagined in a 2D, retor style.


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New Eden


New Eden is an Online Action Role-Playing Game with focus on involved lore, roleplay, and souls-like combat re-emagined in a 2D, retor style.

Thousands of years ago, a Cataclysm rocked the planet, altering its ecological balance and forcing humans to live deep underground for generations. When they finally emerged, they found the world to be filled not only with advanced technological artifacts of the ancient civilization of the Forebears, but also a tangible ethereal force - Magic - that had given the plants and animals of the world a new and dangerous sentience. The planet was once called Earth; now it is known as Estaria.

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