Monster & Me
Monster & Me

Monster & Me

March 2002 (23 years ago)

Monster and Me was a 2D MMORPG from NetDragon Websoft and TQ Digital Studio inspired by Chinese myth and culture. Players could find and train over 200 monsters as pets, to fight alongside their characters, or to sell, trade with others, or battle with other players' monsters. Players could craft their own spells, and the game also featured several minigames. Monster and Me was shut down in June of 2012.

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Monster & Me

March 2002 (23 years ago)

Monster and Me was a 2D MMORPG from NetDragon Websoft and TQ Digital Studio inspired by Chinese myth and culture. Players could find and train over 200 monsters as pets, to fight alongside their characters, or to sell, trade with others, or battle with other players' monsters. Players could craft their own spells, and the game also featured several minigames. Monster and Me was shut down in June of 2012.

Far to the East, there exists a land where humans and monsters co-exist. Where stunning green mountains stretch for beyond the horizon and beautiful rolling white waves gently wash against the seashore. Since ancient times, a secret has been passed down, from generation to generation. A secret so exciting and amazing that it has been attracting adventurers to come from the far reaches of the world, hoping to discover the secret. Should they discover it, an amazing, immortal power shall be bestowed upon them. However, humans are not alone in ruling these lands. There are also the wonderous monsters that live in the wilds. With their unlimited strength, you are able to work together to achieve your goals. Welcome to the world of Monster & Me, a Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG). You and your treasured pets are about to begin an amazing journey into the mystical Eastern land, filled with danger, excitement and fun. ether and become the strongest fighting team in the land. When you begin your journey, you will not be alone. Many others await you, from all walks of life. Desperate times and struggles await, yet laughter and friendship is also await your arrival....

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