Million on Mars: Space to Venture
Million on Mars: Space to Venture

Million on Mars: Space to Venture

September 2021 (3 years ago)

social score

Million on Mars: Space to Venture is an MMO open sandbox city-builder where you decide on your homestead's location, and build out your settlement on the highest-fidelity in-game Mars terrain! Painstakingly created from NASA/JPL topographical data, your location is as close to reality as you can get.

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Million on Mars: Space to Venture has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

5.4 thousand

We estimate that Million on Mars: Space to Venture had approximately 5.4k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024945
December 2023630
November 2023721
October 2023691
September 2023700
July 2023792
June 2023826
May 2023840
April 20231.1 thousand
March 2023840
February 2023833
January 2023813
December 2022720
November 2022770
October 2022762

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Million on Mars: Space to Venture

September 2021 (3 years ago)

social score

Million on Mars: Space to Venture is an MMO open sandbox city-builder where you decide on your homestead's location, and build out your settlement on the highest-fidelity in-game Mars terrain! Painstakingly created from NASA/JPL topographical data, your location is as close to reality as you can get.

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Million on Mars: Space to Venture has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

5.4 thousand

We estimate that Million on Mars: Space to Venture had approximately 5.4k players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024945
December 2023630
November 2023721
October 2023691
September 2023700
July 2023792
June 2023826
May 2023840
April 20231.1 thousand
March 2023840
February 2023833
January 2023813
December 2022720
November 2022770
October 2022762

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