Lords Mobile
Lords Mobile

Lords Mobile

March 2016 (9 years ago)

daily players

Want to clash with 50 million global players? Dive into LORDS MOBILE, the real-time-strategy mobile MMO game. Explore exotic magical lands thrown into chaos by terrifying monsters and powerful enemies. Choose your favorite heroes, make new friends, and charge fearlessly into war! Strike down your foes and build an empire!

Estimated Daily Players

500 thousand

We estimate that Lords Mobile has currently approximately 500k players daily.

Lords Mobile is a popular mobile strategy game that has maintained a strong player base since its release in 2016. Its blend of real-time strategy and RPG elements, along with regular updates and events, contributes to a high daily active player count.

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Lords Mobile

March 2016 (9 years ago)

daily players

Want to clash with 50 million global players? Dive into LORDS MOBILE, the real-time-strategy mobile MMO game. Explore exotic magical lands thrown into chaos by terrifying monsters and powerful enemies. Choose your favorite heroes, make new friends, and charge fearlessly into war! Strike down your foes and build an empire!

Estimated Daily Players

500 thousand

We estimate that Lords Mobile has currently approximately 500k players daily.

Lords Mobile is a popular mobile strategy game that has maintained a strong player base since its release in 2016. Its blend of real-time strategy and RPG elements, along with regular updates and events, contributes to a high daily active player count.

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