Leviathan: Streams of Legends
Leviathan: Streams of Legends

Leviathan: Streams of Legends


Command your army (composed of your Twitch viewers) in this new legendary Social Real Time Strategy game. Bond with your audience in unprecedented ways where you control the war, while they fight each battle from their phones.


Leviathan: Streams of Legends


Command your army (composed of your Twitch viewers) in this new legendary Social Real Time Strategy game. Bond with your audience in unprecedented ways where you control the war, while they fight each battle from their phones.

Welcome to Leviathan: Streams of Legends, a Social Real Time Strategy game built for streamers and their audiences. In the game you assume the role of an army general defending your territory from waves of appalling concoctions determined on invading and destroying your island and everything on it. Ready at your disposal you have a number of brave soldiers that you can maneuver around the map and order into battle to keep the enemy at bay. Each soldier in your army is a real person, a member of your audience that joined your game via a phone or tablet. Your soldiers fight the battles, while you fight the War. Together, as one, for victory and fame! The game includes two game modes: Time Attack: Select your time and ready your army. Soon a Leviathan will appear... Game is over when the Leviathan is defeated or all bases are destroyed. Survival: See how long you can last in the overworld. The game is over when your army wellness hits 0 or all bases are destroyed.

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