Last Oasis
Last Oasis

Last Oasis

March 2020 (4 years ago)

social score

"Keep moving, the world is dying in this Nomadic Survival MMO. Build walking mobile bases and travel to new lands. Create clans and fight for territory. Resources deplete fast, so take your sword and scavenge, pirate, and trade to stay alive."

Estimated Daily Players

2.1 thousand

We estimate that Last Oasis has currently approximately 2.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

523 thousand

We estimate that Last Oasis had approximately 523k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
February 20232.6 thousand
January 20232.6 thousand
December 20222 thousand
November 20222.6 thousand
October 20223.5 thousand
September 20224.7 thousand
August 20229.9 thousand
July 20222.8 thousand

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Last Oasis

March 2020 (4 years ago)

social score

"Keep moving, the world is dying in this Nomadic Survival MMO. Build walking mobile bases and travel to new lands. Create clans and fight for territory. Resources deplete fast, so take your sword and scavenge, pirate, and trade to stay alive."

Estimated Daily Players

2.1 thousand

We estimate that Last Oasis has currently approximately 2.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

523 thousand

We estimate that Last Oasis had approximately 523k players total.

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Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
February 20232.6 thousand
January 20232.6 thousand
December 20222 thousand
November 20222.6 thousand
October 20223.5 thousand
September 20224.7 thousand
August 20229.9 thousand
July 20222.8 thousand

"After a cataclysmic event halted the Earth’s rotation, the planet was split into two extreme and deadly environments. Only a narrow band of space between the hot and cold halves of the planet has conditions that can support life. This band moves at the pace of the planet’s rotation around the Sun, and all life on Earth must migrate with it to survive. In order to keep moving, the remnants of humanity have built nomadic machines, and a walking city called Flotilla. Every day, Flotilla transports more nomads into the passing oases, where warring clans fight tooth and nail for control of territory and valuable resources. Some nomads have carved out lucrative positions for themselves and even gained status with Flotilla; however most nomads are locked in a daily struggle for survival, forced to battle both nature and those around them. There will never be rest for the men who built the walkers; they can only move forward."

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