Last Epoch
Last Epoch

Last Epoch

April 2019 (5 years ago)

social score

Uncover the Past, Reforge the Future. Ascend into one of 15 mastery classes and explore dangerous dungeons, hunt epic loot, craft legendary weapons, and wield the power of over a hundred transformative skill trees. Last Epoch is being developed by a team of passionate Action RPG enthusiasts.

Estimated Daily Players

12 thousand

We estimate that Last Epoch has currently approximately 12k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

6.5 million

We estimate that Last Epoch had approximately 6.5m players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 202414.4 thousand
December 202319.9 thousand
November 202328.1 thousand
October 202343.7 thousand
September 202339.5 thousand
July 202324.4 thousand
June 202338.6 thousand
May 202363.3 thousand
April 2023106.1 thousand
March 2023163.5 thousand
February 202333.9 thousand
January 202316.3 thousand
December 202214 thousand
November 202221.4 thousand
October 202229.9 thousand
September 202238.4 thousand
August 202217.7 thousand
July 202213.2 thousand

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Last Epoch

April 2019 (5 years ago)

social score

Uncover the Past, Reforge the Future. Ascend into one of 15 mastery classes and explore dangerous dungeons, hunt epic loot, craft legendary weapons, and wield the power of over a hundred transformative skill trees. Last Epoch is being developed by a team of passionate Action RPG enthusiasts.

Estimated Daily Players

12 thousand

We estimate that Last Epoch has currently approximately 12k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

6.5 million

We estimate that Last Epoch had approximately 6.5m players total.

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Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 202414.4 thousand
December 202319.9 thousand
November 202328.1 thousand
October 202343.7 thousand
September 202339.5 thousand
July 202324.4 thousand
June 202338.6 thousand
May 202363.3 thousand
April 2023106.1 thousand
March 2023163.5 thousand
February 202333.9 thousand
January 202316.3 thousand
December 202214 thousand
November 202221.4 thousand
October 202229.9 thousand
September 202238.4 thousand
August 202217.7 thousand
July 202213.2 thousand

Last Epoch combines time travel, exciting dungeon crawling, engrossing character customization and endless replayability to create an Action RPG for veterans and newcomers alike. Travel through the world of Eterra’s past and face dark empires, wrathful gods and untouched wilds – to find a way to save time itself from The Void.

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