Kritika: Reboot
Kritika: Reboot

Kritika: Reboot

September 2017 (7 years ago)

social score

Kritika: Reboot is a hyper-stylized, anime brawler game featuring over-the-top action with giant blades, superguns, and dazzling acrobatics. Fight with friends or rampage solo through hordes of enemies and super-sized bosses in an epic fantasy world.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Kritika: Reboot has currently approximately 210 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

51.1 thousand

We estimate that Kritika: Reboot had approximately 51.1k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024315
December 2023860
November 2023777
October 2023725
September 2023683
July 2023889
June 2023973
May 2023868
April 2023934
March 2023904
February 2023833
January 2023793
December 2022770
November 2022700
October 2022775

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Kritika: Reboot

September 2017 (7 years ago)

social score

Kritika: Reboot is a hyper-stylized, anime brawler game featuring over-the-top action with giant blades, superguns, and dazzling acrobatics. Fight with friends or rampage solo through hordes of enemies and super-sized bosses in an epic fantasy world.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Kritika: Reboot has currently approximately 210 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

51.1 thousand

We estimate that Kritika: Reboot had approximately 51.1k players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024315
December 2023860
November 2023777
October 2023725
September 2023683
July 2023889
June 2023973
May 2023868
April 2023934
March 2023904
February 2023833
January 2023793
December 2022770
November 2022700
October 2022775

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