Infinity: Battlescape
Infinity: Battlescape

Infinity: Battlescape

September 2019 (5 years ago)

social score

Infinity: Battlescape is a multiplayer space combat sim supporting hundreds of players on a single server. Join one of the corporate factions and fight for domination of a seamless, true-to-scale procedural star system. Participate in massive space and planetary battles involving hundreds of ships.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Infinity: Battlescape has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

5.5 thousand

We estimate that Infinity: Battlescape had approximately 5.5k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024420
December 2023650
November 2023707
October 2023712
September 2023648
July 2023727
June 2023714
May 2023712
April 2023755
March 2023704
February 2023720
January 2023732
December 2022730
November 2022707
October 2022719
September 2022749
August 2022691
July 2022750

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    Infinity: Battlescape

    September 2019 (5 years ago)

    social score

    Infinity: Battlescape is a multiplayer space combat sim supporting hundreds of players on a single server. Join one of the corporate factions and fight for domination of a seamless, true-to-scale procedural star system. Participate in massive space and planetary battles involving hundreds of ships.

    Estimated Daily Players


    We estimate that Infinity: Battlescape has currently approximately 420 players daily.

    Estimated Total Players

    5.5 thousand

    We estimate that Infinity: Battlescape had approximately 5.5k players total.

    Rate this data

    Do the game status and estimations look correct?
    Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

    MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
    May 2024420
    December 2023650
    November 2023707
    October 2023712
    September 2023648
    July 2023727
    June 2023714
    May 2023712
    April 2023755
    March 2023704
    February 2023720
    January 2023732
    December 2022730
    November 2022707
    October 2022719
    September 2022749
    August 2022691
    July 2022750

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