Hay Day
Hay Day

Hay Day

June 2012 (12 years ago)

social score

Hay Day is a totally new farming experience with smooth gestural controls lovingly handcrafted for your Android and iOS devices.

Estimated Daily Players

4.2 thousand

We estimate that Hay Day has currently approximately 4.2k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

4.9 million

We estimate that Hay Day had approximately 4.9m players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20244 thousand
December 202338.1 thousand
November 202334.9 thousand
October 202327.3 thousand
September 202325.9 thousand
July 202331.2 thousand
June 202337.5 thousand
May 202334.6 thousand
April 202344.8 thousand
March 202341.5 thousand
February 202338.6 thousand
January 202335.7 thousand
December 202228.9 thousand
November 202222.5 thousand
October 202222.6 thousand
September 202220.7 thousand
August 202221.8 thousand
July 202221.5 thousand

Hay Day

June 2012 (12 years ago)

social score

Hay Day is a totally new farming experience with smooth gestural controls lovingly handcrafted for your Android and iOS devices.

Estimated Daily Players

4.2 thousand

We estimate that Hay Day has currently approximately 4.2k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

4.9 million

We estimate that Hay Day had approximately 4.9m players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20244 thousand
December 202338.1 thousand
November 202334.9 thousand
October 202327.3 thousand
September 202325.9 thousand
July 202331.2 thousand
June 202337.5 thousand
May 202334.6 thousand
April 202344.8 thousand
March 202341.5 thousand
February 202338.6 thousand
January 202335.7 thousand
December 202228.9 thousand
November 202222.5 thousand
October 202222.6 thousand
September 202220.7 thousand
August 202221.8 thousand
July 202221.5 thousand

Get back to nature and experience the peaceful, simple life of working the land and rearing chickens, pigs, cows and sheep. Make a name for yourself by harvesting crops and building bakeries, sugar mills and dairies that turn your fresh produce into wholesome goods. Trade your goods with your friends at your very own roadside shop and by advertising your products in the newspaper

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