December 2002 (22 years ago)
The Harshlands MUD is, above all else, a role-playing game world. The game should be viewed in most ways as a traditional sit-down, pencil and paper, role-playing game, and not as a video game where the object is to tally the most kills. You can become better at your chosen trade, buy/sell, travel, fight, get a job and the scope is pretty much endless.
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December 2002 (22 years ago)
The Harshlands MUD is, above all else, a role-playing game world. The game should be viewed in most ways as a traditional sit-down, pencil and paper, role-playing game, and not as a video game where the object is to tally the most kills. You can become better at your chosen trade, buy/sell, travel, fight, get a job and the scope is pretty much endless.
The world of Harshlands is huge. Currently, the world consists of the island of Harn, an island roughly the size of Great Britain, off the coast of the nearby continent of Lythia. Current building on the Mud has not yet finished the island of Harn. For those who are familiar with the Harn RPG World, some countries/cities will not be accessible, but may be added in the future. There are over 16,000 rooms (we stopped counting), all of which pertain to the Harnic world – and all are original. We are constantly expanding the game world and functionality within it. The game world is populated with several humanoid races. Some of these can be chosen during character creation, and others cannot.