

August 2021 (3 years ago)

social score

Gachaminer is a Crypto Mining MMORPG. Learn about Mining and Crypto in Storylines and Missions, and play with thousands of other players in a persistent multiplayer world.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Gachaminer has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players


We estimate that Gachaminer had approximately 833 players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024630
December 2023821
November 2023714
October 2023725
September 2023700
July 2023824
June 2023805
May 2023800
April 2023812
March 2023822
February 2023743
January 2023685
December 2022720
November 2022679
October 2022696


August 2021 (3 years ago)

social score

Gachaminer is a Crypto Mining MMORPG. Learn about Mining and Crypto in Storylines and Missions, and play with thousands of other players in a persistent multiplayer world.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Gachaminer has currently approximately 420 players daily.

Estimated Total Players


We estimate that Gachaminer had approximately 833 players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024630
December 2023821
November 2023714
October 2023725
September 2023700
July 2023824
June 2023805
May 2023800
April 2023812
March 2023822
February 2023743
January 2023685
December 2022720
November 2022679
October 2022696

You start as a Newbie to Crypto and Bitcoin, in a free and empty appartment you get at the beginning. A Friend will teach you about Crypto Mining in a Tutorial Storyline. Afterwards, you can learn more about Bitcoin, Crypto and Blockchain in General and Mining in multiple Storylines, Missions. You can travel a persistant world and see other players and can interact with them.

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