FusionFall Retro
FusionFall Retro

FusionFall Retro

August 2017 (8 years ago)

FusionFall Retro (abbreviated as Retro or FFR) was an unofficial revival of the Cartoon Network MMORPG FusionFall, which was crafted and supported over the span of four years by a team of devoted fans. The game was a modified version of the original game, with new custom content added later in its life.

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FusionFall Retro

August 2017 (8 years ago)

FusionFall Retro (abbreviated as Retro or FFR) was an unofficial revival of the Cartoon Network MMORPG FusionFall, which was crafted and supported over the span of four years by a team of devoted fans. The game was a modified version of the original game, with new custom content added later in its life.

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