

December 1996 (28 years ago)

social score

Furcadia is a fantasy world of magic and creation, alive with adorable animals and mythical creatures. Choose your favorite customizable avatar and start exploring this friendly, user-empowering Online Social Game (MMOSG) with rich player-driven content. Use the free, simple yet powerful tools to build literally anything you can dream up! Whether you enjoy Socializing with friends, Exploring, Creating, or Roleplaying, we invite you to an interactive experience unlike any other.

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Furcadia has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

30.8 thousand

We estimate that Furcadia had approximately 30.8k players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024945
December 2023917
November 2023784
October 2023725
September 2023683
July 2023921
June 2023917
May 2023929
April 2023985
March 2023959
February 2023855
January 2023793
December 2022740
November 2022798
October 2022919

Social media


December 1996 (28 years ago)

social score

Furcadia is a fantasy world of magic and creation, alive with adorable animals and mythical creatures. Choose your favorite customizable avatar and start exploring this friendly, user-empowering Online Social Game (MMOSG) with rich player-driven content. Use the free, simple yet powerful tools to build literally anything you can dream up! Whether you enjoy Socializing with friends, Exploring, Creating, or Roleplaying, we invite you to an interactive experience unlike any other.

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Furcadia has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

30.8 thousand

We estimate that Furcadia had approximately 30.8k players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024945
December 2023917
November 2023784
October 2023725
September 2023683
July 2023921
June 2023917
May 2023929
April 2023985
March 2023959
February 2023855
January 2023793
December 2022740
November 2022798
October 2022919

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