Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension
Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension

Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension

November 2019 (5 years ago)

Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension will call on players to embark on a dangerous and thrilling journey, join up with powerful allies, and ultimately slay the countless foes that will stand in their way. The dragon’s decimated armies are rising once again, and their draconic masters are elevating themselves to godhood. The great Dragon War has returned to the land of Tor’gyyl and none will be spared its fury. Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension is a strategic, grid based, combat RPG with a rich narrative and focus on Guilds. It’s time for players to prove what they are made of and leave their mark on history.


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Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension

November 2019 (5 years ago)

Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension will call on players to embark on a dangerous and thrilling journey, join up with powerful allies, and ultimately slay the countless foes that will stand in their way. The dragon’s decimated armies are rising once again, and their draconic masters are elevating themselves to godhood. The great Dragon War has returned to the land of Tor’gyyl and none will be spared its fury. Dawn of the Dragons: Ascension is a strategic, grid based, combat RPG with a rich narrative and focus on Guilds. It’s time for players to prove what they are made of and leave their mark on history.

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