


MMO action Sci-fi game set in the future year of 2069 where you play as a cybernetic robot to eliminate other robots that represent Biomorph defence system, gameplay take place in Egypt near an ancient temple complex along the Nile river.

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MMO action Sci-fi game set in the future year of 2069 where you play as a cybernetic robot to eliminate other robots that represent Biomorph defence system, gameplay take place in Egypt near an ancient temple complex along the Nile river.

Biomorphx a famous company working in genetics and medical development began "Cryonauts" project a unauthorized mass cloning of human infants, all forms of human cloning is prohibited by the UN worldwide, Cryonauts have to be terminated at all cost, the battle is inevitable. Year 2069 You play as a cybernetic robot that was hacked and dispatched from control network that represent Biomorphx defence system to counter attack their original hostile Cybernetic robots that protect it to terminate unauthorized human cloning activities at one of its production facilities located in Egypt near an ancient temple complex along the Nile river.

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