

February 2021 (3 years ago)

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Code2040 is a multiplayer shooting game base on a team of three with heavy focus on teamwork and coordination. In year 2040, energy becomes extremely scarce, you must travel to The Outside realm to discover new energy source. Accomplish your mission and be the last survivors!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Code2040 has currently approximately 210 players daily.

Estimated Total Players


We estimate that Code2040 had approximately 343 players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
December 2023650
November 2023728
October 2023712
September 2023723
July 2023760
June 2023714
May 2023685
April 2023717
March 2023713
February 2023743
January 2023698
December 2022690
November 2022749
October 2022752
September 2022749
August 2022678
July 2022660

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February 2021 (3 years ago)

social score

Code2040 is a multiplayer shooting game base on a team of three with heavy focus on teamwork and coordination. In year 2040, energy becomes extremely scarce, you must travel to The Outside realm to discover new energy source. Accomplish your mission and be the last survivors!

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that Code2040 has currently approximately 210 players daily.

Estimated Total Players


We estimate that Code2040 had approximately 343 players total.

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Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
December 2023650
November 2023728
October 2023712
September 2023723
July 2023760
June 2023714
May 2023685
April 2023717
March 2023713
February 2023743
January 2023698
December 2022690
November 2022749
October 2022752
September 2022749
August 2022678
July 2022660

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